April, 3rd-5th 2019, at Hotel Lilla Roberts, Helsinki, Finland Nordic NECT – Early Phase Clinical Trial Course

This is the first Nordic NECT Course for Early Phase Clinical Trials in Oncology. Helsinki University Hospital will be hosting this course, the first of a possible annual event. For your reference a Nordic Course in Clinical Trials Methodology in Oncology has previously been arranged 6 times, lastly in 2014.

Early clinical trials play a crucial role in drug development. They are in an essential interface between experimental laboratory knowledge and clinical application in patients and include administration of an investigational product to humans first time (“first in human” trials). Early clinical trials require tight adherence to protocol requirements and careful monitoring of patient safety. The field is highly competitive and the requirements for the staff not only include patient care but also maintenance of strict timelines, fast site initiation and patient recruitment, top quality data entry, keeping patient safety always as the priority. Overall, they require resources, dedicated staff and coordination skills.

These and many other issues will be discussed during the course. The aim of the course is to increase participant’s knowledge in early clinical trial methodology and also strengthen important collaborations in research and network-building between the Nordic countries. The language in the course will be English.

For more informartion, please find Invitation letter including programme and link to application 

Last day of application is March 5th, 2019.

The application deadline has been expanded to Monday March 11.

The time for response on participation will be delayed to March 17th.